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What is Effipro for dogs and cats?

Effiprois a topical treatment that controls fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and chewing lice in dogs and cats. External parasites such as pulgaseCarrapatos are not only irritating to your pet, but can transmit potentially dangerous diseases such as bartonellosis, Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, and anaplasmosis.

Effipro uses the active ingredient Fipronil to kill mosquitoes and chewing lice infestations, and control fleas by eliminating adult fleas before they can lay eggs. Effipro also kills all stages of brown dog ticks, American dog ticks, Lone Star ticks, and deer ticks.


  • Canine and feline formulas available
  • Topical treatment means no refused tablets
  • Fórmula impermeável
  • Safe for use on pregnant or nursing cats and dogs

Effipro é adequado para o meu animal de estimação?

Effipro topical solution is suitable for use on dogs over 8 weeks of age and weighing at least 4.4 pounds (2 kg), and on cats over 8 weeks of age and weighing at least 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg). Effipro is safe for use on pregnant and nursing pets.

Programa de Posologia

Effiprospot-on is a once a month topical treatment, with the exact product used determined by your pet’s body weight. Do not apply more than every 30 days.

Effipro for Dogs

Body weight Pipette size (ml) Total Fipronil (mg)
Até 22 libras (10 kg) 0.67 67
22-45 lbs (10-20 kg) 1.34 134
45-89 lbs (20-40 kg) 2.68 268
90-130 lbs (40-60 kg) 4.02 402

Effipro for Cats

Body weight Pipette size (ml) Total Fipronil (mg)
Mais de 1.5 libras (0.7 kg) 0.5 50

What are the side effects of Effipro?

Os efeitos colaterais relatados após o tratamento com Effipro incluem sinais de irritação da pele, como vermelhidão, arranhões ou outros sinais de desconforto. Sinais gastrointestinais como vômitos ou diarréia também foram relatados.

What precautions must be taken?

  • Somente para uso externo.
  • Not for use on humans or other animals.
  • Lave bem as mãos após o uso.
  • Treated animals should not be handled until the product is dry.
  • Do not use on dogs weighing less than 4.4 pounds (2 kg).
  • Do not use on cats weighing less than 1.5 pounds (0.7 kg).
  • Not for use on dogs or cats under 8 weeks of age.

How effective is Effipro (Fipronil)?

After administration of Fipronil, fleas will be killed within 24 hours. Ticks will usually be killed within 48 hours after contact with Fipronil, however, if ticks of some species (Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Ixodes ricinus) are present when the product is applied, all the ticks may not be killed within the first 48 hours.

Effipro for Cats & Dogs

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