Se você está adicionando um novo gato para sua casa, você definitivamente precisa considerar como você pretende proteger este animal de estimação contra algumas das doenças mais comuns contagiosas que podem danificar a saúde de um gato. A boa notícia é que há uma abundância de vacinas ...
We're all familiar with the problem dog who constantly craves attention or destroys his or her owner's home through chew...
Walking two or more dogs can be a lot for one person to handle. But for many dog walkers, there isn't time in the day to...
Iniciando seu próprio negócio pode ser uma forma criativa e gratificante de ganhar algum dinheiro extra, e mais pessoas do que nunca estão transformando suas paixões e passatempos em empresas lucrativas. Embora existam centenas de recursos on-line para ajudar entre ...
The field of veterinary medicine has advanced significantly in recent years. There are now veterinary cardiologists, vet...
If your family is adopting a rescue dog, you may have some concerns about how your child and new dog will interact with ...
Canine influenza, popularly known as "dog flu," has become a growing concern among dog owners who haven't heard of the illness and aren't sure how to protect their pets. Some areas of the country have seen wide outbreaks of the illness, with some dog...
By Gail Fero
Congratulations, you've decided on a cat! Though the decision might have seemed monumental, it was only t...
Children should know how to honor the feelings and boundaries of other living creatures, whether human or not, and these...
Even though you want to take your dog with you when traveling, it's not always easy. If you want to make the journey as comfortable as possible, there are some simple things that can make your trip more enjoyable for everyone, including your furry co...