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Filtered by tag ('health and wellbeing')

Chubby to Chiseled: um guia divertido para perder peso com seu filhote

 by james on 03 Apr 2024 |
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Does your furry friend have a little extra fluff around the edges? It's time to embark on a tail-wagging journey to help them shed those unwanted pounds and strut their stuff with confidence. In this article, we'll unleash a paw-some plan to help you...

Iguarias perigosas: alimentos que representam um sério risco para os cães

 by james on 26 Mar 2024 |
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As responsible pet owners, we strive to provide our canine companions with nutritious and wholesome meals. However, cert...

Unraveling the Enigma - Understanding How Dogs Contract Internal Worms

 by james on 06 Mar 2024 |
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Parasitas internos, especialmente vermes, podem representar um risco para a saúde dos nossos companheiros caninos. Entendendo como os cães se contraem...

Navigating the Five Major Health Concerns in Aging Felines

 by james on 21 Feb 2024 |
As our feline companions gracefully tread into their golden years, it becomes increasingly crucial for pet owners to be vigilant about their health. Aging cats, like their human counterparts, may be prone to certain health issues that require special...

Positive Health Impact When Having a Dog

 by james on 12 Feb 2024 |
Beyond their undeniable companionship, dogs offer a myriad of health benefits that extend far beyond the wagging tail an...

Nourish the Tail-Wag: A Paws-on Guide to Choosing the Best Dog Food

 por james em 08 de janeiro de 2024 |
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When it comes to our beloved canine companions, providing them with the best nutrition is at the top of every pet parent...

De volta à escola Ansiedade de separação

 by zack on 12 Oct 2022 |
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O ano escolar está começando de novo, e é um momento excitante para as crianças e os pais. As crianças começam a ver seus amigos da escola novamente, continuando a desenvolver aqueles laços sociais preciosos, e recheio em alguma educação aqui e ali, enquanto os pais ...

Ajudar as crianças a lidar com a perda de um animal de estimação

 Por jaime em 11 Out 2022 |
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Quando as pessoas tomam a decisão de trazer um cachorro ou um gato para suas vidas, estão dando as boas-vindas a esse novo animal de estimação como membro do...

Signs of arthritis in dogs and how to help

 by james on 18 Feb 2022 |
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Os cães geralmente cobrem os sinais de artrite até os estágios finais da doença. Aqui estão algumas maneiras de ajudar a manter seu companheiro confortável...

Are cat cafes good for cats?

 por james em 26 nov 2021 |
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Cat cafes are wildly popular among animal loves, but the business model is nuanced when it comes to treating resident felines right. Are cat cafes good for cats? Since the first cat café opened in in Taiwan 1998, the concept has become popular amon...
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