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Por que meu gato lambe a parede?

 Por michelle em 02 Ago 2014 |
Does this look familiar?   image credit Many cat owners are accustomed to cats licking themselves, but not so much the walls. The reason for this unusual habit is likely a medical or behavioral issue, and the best way to determine which is with a t...

Ensine seu cão a fazer backup

 Por michelle em 02 Ago 2014 |
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Although maybe not as common as “sit” or “stay”, the “back up” command can be equally as useful. Think of all the instan...

10 Doenças comuns em gatos

 Por jaime em 01 Aug 2014 |
As a pet owner it is important that you not only provide food, water, and affection to your pets, but also that you watc...

Ensine seu cão a tocar um sino

 Por jaime em 01 Aug 2014 |
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As dog owners, there are countless of times that you wish your lovable pooch could speak to you and tell you what they want or need. Needing to go to the bathroom is no exception. As much as we would love for them to approach us as say "excuse me, ca...

Comichão excessiva em gatos

 Por jaime em 01 Aug 2014 |
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As a human being with a complex nervous system, you know exactly how annoying it is to have a constant itch. The incessa...

Como ajudar o seu gato a lidar com o sofrimento

 Por jaime em 31 Jul 2014 |
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  Cats can form strong bonds with other humans and other furry members of the family. You may not even realize the dept...

5 sinais de aviso do cancro a olhar para fora para em seu cão

 Por jaime em 31 Jul 2014 |
  Medical doctors and governmental agencies are constantly reminding human beings to be aware of the signs their bodies are giving them about health and wellness. For pet owners, it is equally important to be aware of the warning signs that somethin...

Gatos e asma

 Por jaime em 31 Jul 2014 |
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  A cat suffering from asthma will noticeably struggle for breath. They will stop moving, breathe with their mouths ope...

Os cães podem realmente nos reconhecer?

 Por jaime em 30 Jul 2014 |
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  Every dog owner knows what it is like to return home to a pup that has been awaiting their arrival after a long day a...

Gatos e mau hálito: possíveis causas e o que fazer

 Por danielle em 29 Jul 2014 |
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Cão não são os únicos animais de estimação que podem sofrer mau hálito. Os gatos também podem emitir odor poderoso, cheiro fétido quando abrem suas bocas, que podem também fazer seu reek da pele depois que acoplam em uma sessão de grooming completa. Enquanto a respiração do seu gato não é ...
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