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Você conheceu Zoey e Jasper?

 Por jaime em 27 Abr 2014 |
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This is Zoey and Jasper. Zoey is a rescue dog who loves many things but nothing more than Jasper. Jasper is a 10-month old who is not only adorable, but is best friends with Zoey. Jasper's mum, Grace is a professional photographer who has captured th...

Gato mal-humorado contra vaia contra Lil Bub - Internet Showdown do animal de estimação [INFOGRÁFICO]

 Por wai em 25 Abr 2014 |
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First there was Grumpy Cat, then Lil Bub, and now there's Sir Stuffington, Menswear Dog - and of course, we can't forget...

7 Elite Quatro-Pawed Heroes

 de simone em 11 out 2022 |
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Vamos dar uma olhada em alguns dos empreendedores mais silenciosos do mundo esportivo. Crédito da imagem 1. Fique de olho na bola o tempo todo...

Ilha do Céu do Gato

 Por danielle em 11 out 2022 |
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The small Japanese island of Tashirojima has been dubbed ‘Cat Heaven’ by visitors. Home to only one hundred people, cats far outnumber humans in the tiny fishing village.   Image credit   Cats were originally brought to the island to keep the mice...

Top 5 Apps Pet

 Por danielle em 21 Mar 2017 |
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Technology has changed the way we live our lives, so much so, it's now streamlining how we care for our pets. Here are s...

The World’s Wealthiest Pets

 Por danielle em 22 Apr 2014 |
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Many people say their pets are like their children. This holds true for multimillionaires as well as the everyday man an...

Lidar com a ansiedade de separação em filhotes

 Por jaime em 24 Abr 2014 |
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Leaving behind your little bundle of fur even for a few hours is unpleasant, but for your puppy it can be a devastating experience. After being separated from their mother and siblings, many dogs will worry that their owner has also left them forever...

Sete razões para amar gatos Burmese

 Por jaime em 22 Abr 2014 |
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While Burmese cats have attracted less attention than some other similar breeds (most notably Siamese), those who have o...

Cinco grandes problemas de saúde para olhar para fora em gatos mais velhos

 Por jaime em 22 Abr 2014 |
As your pet cat advances in years, they will unfortunately become more prone to suffering from a range of different medi...

10 razões seu cão é seu BFF

 Por michelle em 21 Mar 2017 |
BFF = Best Friend Furever 1. Você fala pelo menos uma vez por dia, mesmo que apenas para dizer oi. Crédito de imagem 2. Você pode agir em torno de si ... não importa o quão estranho. Crédito da imagem 3. Seu cão é incrivelmente leal a você. "Tu saltas eu salto."...
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