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Filtered by tag ('cat behaviour')

Are cat cafes good for cats?

 por bora em 20 jan 2021 |
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Cat cafes are wildly popular among animal loves, but the business model is nuanced when it comes to treating resident felines right. Since the first cat café opened in in Taiwan 1998, the concept has become popular among feline aficionados across t...

Why do cats steal things?

 de bora em 30 out 2020 |
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Cats love to steal small objects, but what causes this penchant for pilfering? Here are a few reasons cats run off with ...

Why do cats have such good balance?

 by bora on 16 Sep 2020 |
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Os gatos são mestres em aterrissar de pé e por uma boa razão - seu animal de estimação tem vários atributos físicos que dão a ele...

What your cat’s eyes say about him

 by bora on 23 Jul 2020 |
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Cats are subtle communicators, but you can learn more about what your pet is thinking by watching his eyes. Here’s how. We’ve all watched our cats attack their favorite toys, but some observant pet parents will notice their cats’ pupils grow to the...

Why do cats kick with their hind legs?

 por bora em 08 jan 2020 |
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Seu gato chuta com as patas traseiras? Chutar coelhos pode ser um sinal de brincadeira e agressão. Aqui está como dizer ao d ...

Ajuda! Meu gato não para de me morder

 Por yunus em 13 Nov 2018 |
Our felines bite for a variety of reasons. It’s important to understand the root of the problem before you can address K...

Por que todos os gatos não caçam ratos

 Por lucy em 30 Aug 2018 |
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Not all cats want to hunt mice. Contrary to popular belief hunting is a learned skill. Every cat owner has watched his pet stalk and attack his favorite toy, but not all domesticated felines actually hunt and kill prey. It turns out, hunting is a le...

Seis sinais sutis que seu gato te ama

 Por yunus em 21 de março de 2018 |
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Os gatos são famosos por seu comportamento quente e frio, tornando a afeição felina difícil de ser lida. Se você está questionando se y ...

Dicas para impedir que seu gato morda

 Por lucy em 20 Dez 2017 |
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Se é uma ação afetuosa ou uma jogada feita em defesa própria, morder é um problema quando se trata de gatos. Para adicionar ...

Quatro maneiras de garantir que você tenha um gato indoor feliz

 Por lucy em 20 Nov 2017 |
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Indoor cats live safer, longer lives, but some pet owners worry their feline friends’ mental and physical wellbeing suffer without the excitement of the outdoors. The truth is that housecats can and do get bored, but there are some simple steps you c...
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