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NexGard vs Frontline

Compare NexGard Chewables to Frontline Plus Spot-On

When choosing a flea and tick treatment for your pet, one of the first things you may want consider is the method of application.

NexGardeFrontline Plus are both popular products – and produced by the same manufacturer, Merial – but NexGard comes as a flavoured chewable, while Frontline Plus is a spot-on topical treatment.

NexGard chewablesshould only be used to treat dogs. Frontline Plus is available for both dogs and cats, however Frontline Plus for Dogs must not be used on cats.

NexGard breaks the breeding cycle by killing fleas before they can lay eggs, while Frontline Pluskills fleas at all life stages: adult, egg, larva and pupa. Frontline Plus has the added benefit of eliminating lice infestations and helping to control sarcoptic mange.

Both NexGard and Frontline Plus for Dogs may be used on dogs and puppies as young as 8 weeks of age. Frontline Plus for Cats is suitable for cats and kittens from 8 weeks.

Top tip: Fleas and ticks can carry nasty diseases, but protecting your pet doesn’t need to be difficult. Use our comparison chart to weigh up the pros and cons of the most popular products.

  NexGard Frontline Plus
Kills Fleas yes tick yes tick
Repels Fleas - -
Mata ovos e larvas de pulgas Mata pulgas recém-emergidas antes que possam pôr ovos yes tick
Kicks Ticks yes tick yes tick
Repele carrapatos - -
Mata e / ou repele mosquitos - yes tick
Other Parasites   Eliminates infestations with chewing lice, aids in the control of sarcoptic mange infestation
Safe for Pregnant or Nursing Pets - yes tick
When does it starts working Mata 100% das pulgas em 24 horas Mata pulgas em 12 horas e carrapatos em 48 horas
Application Beef-flavored chewable Topical
Ingredientes ativos) Afoxolaner Fipronil , S-methoprene
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NexGard vs Frontline

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