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Separation Anxiety Solutions Part 2

 by zack on 01 Dec 2012 |
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Os gatos são de uma natureza muito mais independente do que os cães, e são, portanto, muito menos propensos à ansiedade de separação. No entanto, sua natureza inconstante torna este problema uma ameaça sempre presente que pode ser acionada com muito pouco aviso. Para piorar as coisas, os gatos raramente exibem os sintomas tão obviamente como cães. Quando um gato está chateado ele vai fazer qualquer número de coisas para aliviar o stress. Para manter gatinho do sofrimento, aqui estão alguns dos principais sintomas e soluções para a ansiedade de separação em gatos.

Sintomas de Ansiedade de Separação:
  • Excessive leg rubbing or clawing- While most cats are affectionate, there is usually a limit. If your cat insistently passes its daily allotment of rubbing every time you walk in the door, or likes to greet you with a scratch, you might have a problem.
  • Shadowing and Blockading- If your cat is following you from room to room, or trying to stand between you and the front door, he or she probably doesn’t want you to go too far.
  • OCD cleaning- Cats keep clean with daily grooming. However, if your cat is grooming to such an extent that it’s losing fur, then separation anxiety is a definite possibility.
  • Ignoring the litter box- Cats know exactly where they should go, but depending on their attitude towards you they may just choose to do their business on the bed. This is not a sign of a contented kitty cat.
  • Chewing, scratching, or biting- If your cat begins to have a problem keeping its destructive impulses confined to the scratching post, they may be suffering from separation anxiety.
  • Loss of appetite or nausea- nervousness and anxiety can cause your cat to eschew its food and even retch. Be on the lookout for this unfortunate behavior.

Gatos, como sempre, acabam sendo um pouco mais complicado do que os cães. Como tal, os truques que você terá que usar para manter seu gatinho se comportando enquanto você se foi um pouco mais complexo também.

Separation Anxiety Solutions:
  • Counter-conditioning-You’ll have to be extremely repetitive with your actions before leaving the house in order to reduce the amount of stress a cat has when it sees them. Cats pay a lot of attention to detail so anything that you do regularly including:
    • Picking up your keys
    • Putting on your shoes
    • Opening up the door
    • Carrying a purse/suitcase
    • Packing a bag

  • All of these should be repeated 10 to 50 times in a clear line of sight for the cat.
    • Use catnip- Toss some in your suitcase so the cat correlates the bag with fun rather than you leaving, or leave some on the ground when you leave to keep kitty busy.
    • Leave the TV on the nature channel or other cat-centered programming
    • Leave harp music on the radio. Apparently, harp music is shown to have a soothing effect on felines. Who’d have thought?
    • Toys- Just like dogs, cats can be easily distracted.

    Apply these cat tactics, and the anxiety problems should cease fairly quickly. But if your cat’s behavioral problems persist, it is advisable to consult your vet for further professional council.


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