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Pet Bucket Blog

DNA Test for Dogs: Discovering Mixed Breed Ancestry

 Por zack em 08 Jun 2013 |
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Owning a mutt is advantageous for a few reasons. They’re outbred dogs so they usually won’t have any of the breed specific health issues common to purebred dogs. They are numerous, and much cheaper than a certified full blooded animal, and they are often extremely well-adjusted pets that make for grateful companions. However, you don’t get the added benefit of extensive breed history or managed expectations due to your wide breadth of knowledge concerning a particular animal bloodline.

The other less tangible drawback is your own curiosity. Owning a mixed dog breed often leads to a lot of speculation. You’re always wondering whether that short snout is a sign of a pug or a bulldog. Is that curved bushy tail more reminiscent of a huskie or a retriever? Luckily, the answers to these frustrating questions have been available since 2007 and are becoming increasingly affordable to purchase.

Estamos falando, é claro, sobre testes de DNA para cães. Durante os últimos 6 anos várias empresas veterinárias têm oferecido sangue ou algodão swab testes que oferecem para determinar a história hereditária do seu filhote por uma taxa nominal. Esses testes não exigem 100% de exatidão, mas oferecem bastante exactitude to clear up any dinner table debates about a mixed dog breed.
O jogador principal no jogo da determinação da raça é realmente uma companhia dos doces. Não é tão doce? Mars Incorporated, fabricante de barras de Marte, Snickers, M & M's e Via Láctea - todas as quais ironicamente matarão um cão - também possui uma divisão de cuidados de animais de estimação muito grande chamada Mars Veterinary. O Veterinário de Marte tem um produto chamado Painel de Sabedoria. Para os preços que começam em torno de 60 dólares, você pode pedir um kit de coleção de amostra do painel de sabedoria para encontrar a raça do seu cão. O painel identificará então a ascendência do seu cão até seus grandes avós.

It works by looking at your dog’s DNA and identifying certain genetic markers that match an established database of those same markers which appear in other dog breeds at different frequencies. The greater the number of markers, the more accurate the test. Since Wisdom Panel has been doing it the longest and has the largest database, they are assumedly the industry leader for this process.

While the information is fascinating, it serves little more than an informational and entertainment purpose. You can’t use these genetic analyses to determine potential health issues for your pet, nor does it serve any other particularly practical purpose. It’s just to sate curiosity and fuel conversations. It’s basically a novelty purchase for pet lovers, and because we love our useless novelties, it’s a popular one too.

Once again, these tests are basically just for fun. No medical information can really be inferred, and you won’t be able to certify your dog as purebred, (that can only be done an official kennel club, and it isn’t cheap.) However, you definitely can use these test to settle a silly argument or bring up a bit of interesting water cooler talk at your earliest given opportunity. 


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