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Pet Bucket Blog

Os 5 principais sintomas a ter em conta nos cães

 Por wai em 04 Feb 2014 |
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It can be hard to tell when your dogs require veterinary attention. If you brought them to the doctor every time they had a little sniffle, you'd spend more time in the vet's office than at home. However, there are a few symptoms that could have a serious underlying cause. Let's take a look at five symptoms that you must consult your vet about.


A maioria dos caroços que se desenvolvem em um cão são completamente benignos. No entanto, um nódulo pode ser potencialmente cancerígeno. O câncer é a doença fatal mais comum em animais de estimação. Quanto mais cedo você tratá-lo, mais provável é que você pode salvar seu cão. Seu veterinário deve ser informado de quaisquer novos grumos ou crescimentos que se desenvolvem em seu animal de estimação.

Unusual Body Odors

Although dogs can get smelly from playing in the yard or wrapping themselves up in hot blankets, unusual body odors are an important warning sign to be aware of. Bad breath can be a sign of cancer or dental issues. Excessive flatulence can be a sign of clogged anal glands. Smelly ears might indicate an ear infection.

Unexplained Weight Loss

Unexplained weight loss is a very serious symptom in a dog. You should be particularly alarmed if this weight loss is accompanied by a change in appetite. These symptoms could be a warning sign of cancer. They are also associated with a number of digestive and glandular issues.


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Coughing is a symptom that can be an indicator of a variety of serious illnesses. It could be a symptom of lung cancer or another respiratory disease. Small dogs are at an increased risk of damage to their esophagus, which can lead to coughing and choking.

Limping and Jumping

If your pet is limping or jumping, you must seek immediate attention from a vet. This symptom is a sign of pain and can be an indication of a broken bone or serious physical trauma. It can also be a symptom of arthritis, which is painful but treatable. Certain types of cancer will also lead to obvious signs of pain.

Not every symptom requires the attention of a vet, but these particular symptoms are sometimes indications of serious underlying health conditions. If your pet experiences any of these warning signs, bring them to the vet as soon as possible. You should also schedule regular checkups for your dog in order to catch and treat any less obvious illnesses.


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