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8 sinais de tédio em gatos de interior

 Por jaime em 22 Sep 2014 |
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Does your cat spend its days indoors?

Indoor cats tend to have a relaxing lifestyle- they have nice long naps in cozy beds, access to food and of course plenty of cuddles. And because they are indoors, they live longer because they are less exposed to dangers like cars, predators and diseases. In fact, indoor cats can live between 12-18 years!

However, just because they live long lives, it doesn't mean it's a happy or particularly fulfilling one - that's why it's up to owners to make sure their much loved indoor kitty receives plenty of activity and stimulation. A cat that doesn't get to express their natural instincts to stalk, scratch, hunt or mark their territory can become bored, irritated, depressed and potentially unwell.

The following are signs that could indicate something is wrong with your cat:
  • Sleeping more than usual
  • Perda de peso
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Refusing water or food
  • Panting
  • Vômito
If you notice any of these symptoms or if anything else is not quite right with your cat - take them to the vet to have them checked out.

Along with becoming potentially unwell, boredom is another major issue for under-stimulated cats. If your cat is bored you may notice the following signs:

Lack of activity



If you believe your cat is bored it's important you rectify this issue as soon as possible to avoid further complications. Essentially, you need to provide your cat with plenty of stimulus and entertainment. Meaning, provide them with plenty of things to do to keep them occupied during the day - especially for periods when you're not around. Activities that tap into their hunting instincts are perfect. They not only work them physically, but get them to use brain power which is key to allievating boredom.

Um jogo, o 'Mouse in the House' é perfeito para manter o seu gato entretido durante horas. Um temporizador, que é ativado por você mesmo ou até mesmo pelo seu gato (se eles aprenderem como), instiga um mouse a sair de seu esconderijo. Você é capaz de configurá-lo para sair em vários momentos, então quando você está no trabalho, você saberá que seu gato vai ter uma baleia de vez, tentando caçar e perseguir o mouse!

So if this is your cat,
then this could be one great way to prevent your cat from getting bored. Why not learn more about the Mouse in the House here.

Alternatively, check out our range of interactive toys, designed to keep cats stimulated here.


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