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O seu gato sofre de doença dentária?

 Por lucy em 17 Nov 2017 |
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O que começa como um pouco de tártaro e mau hálito pode levar a graves problemas de saúde para o seu gato. A doença periodontal é uma das questões mais comuns que os felinos enfrentam, mas muitos donos de animais não fazem nada para conter os sintomas de Kitty até que estejam em estágios avançados. Ao conhecer os sinais de doença dentária e tomar medidas simples para evitar isso, você pode salvar os dentes e gengivas do seu gato, bem como algumas viagens dispendiosas para o veterinário.
Dental problems begin when food particles and bacteria accumulate along a cat’s gumline. Over time, the plaque forms and calcifies into tartar, which attaches to the tooth enamel and below the gum line. Not only can this cause gingivitis, an inflammatory condition of the gums, but it is also an early stage of periodontal disease. Left unchecked, tartar builds up under the gums and causes them to separate from the teeth, creating perfect breeding grounds for bacteria. Once this happens, your cat will experience periodontal disease that can lead to tissue destruction, pus and even bone loss, as well as other issues as bacteria travel to other parts of his body.
The good news is, preventing oral infections is easy. It may sound ludacris, but you can train your cat to let you brush his teeth—without getting maimed. Start by rubbing his teeth with a damp gauze pad, easing into gently massaging his teeth and gums with a toothbrush specifically designed for cats. Always use an animal-safe toothpaste and brush his teeth daily, if possible. Even healthy cats should have their teeth examined by a veterinarian every 12 months— or more often, if your pet is showing signs of dental decay.
One of the first symptoms of periodontal disease is reddening of the gums just below your cat’s teeth. Other signs include bad breath, bleeding, drooling, trouble eating, a swollen face, loose or missing teeth, and looking unkempt or failing to groom. If you notice any of these signs, take your cat to the vet as soon as possible. When caught in its early stages, periodontal disease can be treated with daily brushing to control plaque and prevent the gum from detaching from the teeth. Later-stage oral disease requires cleaning the space between the gums and teeth and applying antibiotic gel to keep the space clean. In advanced cases, bone replacement procedures and tissue regeneration may be necessary.
The best way to minimize damage to your cat’s mouth is to prevent periodontal disease. Brush your cat’s teeth regularly and take him to the vet for a yearly oral check-up. If you notice any signs something’s wrong, take him to the vet as soon as possible to catch the disease in its early stages. Not only will your cat thank you, but his bad breath will go away, making it even sweeter to cuddle your pet.


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