Heartgard, e o mais recente Heartgard Plus , fornecem proteção fácil de usar contra dirofilariose para o seu cão. O medicamento é administrado uma vez por mês como mastigável com sabor.
The key difference with the newer Heartgard Plus is that it contains an extra active ingredient (pyrantel) to treat and control roundworm and hookworm.
As with any heartworm preventative, your dogs should first be tested for existing heartworm. Positive-testing dogs will need to be treated before they can start a preventative program.
Heartgard and Heartgard Plus are suitable for dogs and puppies from 6 weeks of age, with no weight requirements. Both products have been evaluated as safe for use with pregnant and nursing dogs.
Top tip: Once pets developed heartworm disease, it is hard to recover completely. Before ordering, it is wise to compare the pros and cons of all major brands of heartworm preventatives.