Even when two products on the markets seem to be very similar, it is important that you compare all their differences before deciding which one is best for your dog.
O Interceptor Plus e o Heartgard Plus são mastigáveis mensais de ação rápida que fornecem proteção contra dirofilariose, lombrigas e ancilostomíase. Além disso, o Interceptor plus evita vermes e tênias.
The different active ingredients in these products may affect your choice between the two. Interceptor Plus contains Milbemycin Oxime and Praziquantel, while Heartgard Plus contains Ivermectin and Pyrantel Pamoate.
O Interceptor Plus é adequado para cães e filhotes com pelo menos 6 semanas de idade, com um peso corporal de 2 libras (0.9 kg) no mínimo. O Interceptor Plus não foi avaliado para uso seguro em cães reprodutores, prenhes ou lactantes.
Heartgard Plus is suitable for dogs and puppies at least 6 weeks old, with no weight requirements, and is safe for use with pregnant and lactating dogs.
Top tip: Once pets develop heartworm it can be very hard to treat, so prevention is always better than cure. Compare the major brands of heartworm preventatives.