Topical treatments are a typical way to deal with ticks and fleas on your pet, but new formulas on the market provide a more broad-spectrum product that will also prevent heartworm and other intestinal parasites. Revolution and Advantage Multi are two of these spot-on treatments, so how do they compare?
RevoluçãoeAdvantage Multi are both spot-on treatments with monthly dosing schedule. They kill adult fleas - helping to control infestations by preventing them from laying new eggs - and prevent heartworm from developing.
As with all heartworm preventatives, these are not evaluated as safe for use on heartworm-positive animals. It is important to have your dog or cat tested first for existing heartworm.
A Revolution também mata carrapatos adultos em cães e gatos e evita lombrigas e ancilóstomos apenas em gatos. O Advantage Multi evita lombrigas, ancilostomídeos e vermes em cães e gatos. Não mata carrapatos.
Revolution é seguro para cães de 6 semanas e gatos de 8 semanas. O Advantage Multi pode ser utilizado em cães a partir das 7 semanas e em gatos a partir das 9 semanas. Verifique se você tem o produto correto para o peso corporal do seu animal de estimação.
Top tip: Fleas and ticks can carry nasty diseases, but protecting your pet doesn’t need to be difficult. Use our comparison chart to weigh up the pros and cons of the most popular products.